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NUCCA Evaluation

NUCCA is an acronym for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. This type of chiropractic care utilizes a precise and non-invasive adjusting technique that’s also remarkably gentle. The NUCCA procedure focuses on the upper cervical, or “upper neck” region of the spine.

The C1 vertebrae, also known as the Atlas bone, is the top-most bone of the spine, sitting at the base of the skull. This bone helps support the skull, facilitate neck movements and protects the brain stem. When the body is subjected to different types of stress it can become misaligned and affect a range of pains and problems.

woman getting a postural assessmentDay One

When you come in for a NUCCA evaluation, Dr. Dabrowny will begin with a detailed health history exam. This will let the doctor know what’s going on with you and see if you’re a candidate for our care.

She’ll explain the NUCCA procedure and answer any questions you may have about the upper cervical technique and your care. Here’s what you can expect next during your evaluation process:

Postural Assessment

Our NUCCA chiropractor will do a thorough postural exam using a precise and highly specialized device. The machine will check your overall spinal posture by measuring your head/neck down to your hips and legs. This will help determine if your body has any spinal imbalances.

Technician taking x-rays of a patient


Dr. Dabrowny will take a detailed set of X-rays of your upper cervical spine. These highly specific X-Rays will give a three-dimensional view of your head and neck. The images are analyzed by the doctor in great detail in order to determine your individual misalignment and how to best address it.

Scanning a patient for NUCCA evaluation

Surface Spinal EMG Exam

Next, Dr. Dabrowny will do a painless and non-invasive computerized spinal exam that tests how the nerves are functioning along your spine.

Technician viewing an xray


After the X-rays are taken and the scan is completed, the doctor will analyze the X-rays in great detail. Specific instruments are utilized to help read the images and examine your spinal misalignment. The doctor will then collect all of the information from the appointment and determine how to best address your individualized spinal misalignment.

Day Two

chiropractor adjusting patient


At this appointment, Dr. Dabrowny will have read and analyzed all of the X-rays. She will go on to explain her findings and answer any questions you might have. Then, you will receive your first NUCCA adjustment.

After the adjustment, she will take one-two more X-rays and compare them to the first set of X-rays taken on your first appointment. These will be analyzed to make sure that your adjustment is correct and moving in the right direction.

Subsequent Appointments

At each subsequent visit, Dr. Dabrowny will evaluate you and assess how you did with your adjustment. Each adjustment builds on the next one so that you can get stronger and hold your alignment for longer periods of time.

Book Your Time

Contact us today to schedule a simple, non-invasive and pain-free NUCCA evaluation!



Chiropractic Care | (585) 442-1500